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― Privacy Policy

1. Definition of Personal Information
“Personal Information” means information identifiable to any living individuals, including, but not limited to, information that relates to a name, date of birth, the information that can be easily cross-checked with other information, and any additional description that can identify a specific individual.
2. Information Collection
While using our service, we may ask you to provide us with personally identifiable information, including contact information (such as name, address, phone number, and email address) and demographic information (such as zip code) on our contact page. It is only to meet or fulfill why you provided the information.
3. Information Use
We will not use the personal information collected through our service for any purpose other than those stated on the corresponding page.

4. Provision to Third Parties and Secondary Use
Unless authorized by the individual, we will not provide Personal Information to any third party. However, we may disclose your information without your permission in the case of an emergency to protect human life or human rights, cooperating with requests by judge institutions, police, or other public institutions under laws and regulations, and comply with different rules and regulations. 
5. Changes to This Privacy Policy
We keep this privacy policy under regular review and update any modifications or changes to this page.
6. Cookies
Our pages may display content from a third party. These companies may use information about your visits to the site and other websites in web cookies to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. Web cookies collected by the third party will be handled under their cookie policy. The user can disable the third-party cookies by accessing their opt-out page. Web cookies, a fundamental part of website browsing, remember the settings, logins, preferences, or contents you visited, and store them on your device. Next time, when you visit the same page, the site owner can show the content of your preference. If you enable cookies on the user’s browser, the website can track the cookies stored on the browser. The browser will only allow access to the send and receive date from the website for privacy protection. You can choose “enable or disable cookies” and “get notified when cookies are received” on your browser. How to set the cookies depends on the browser. Please check your browser’s help menu about the settings of cookies. If you disable all your cookies, there may be restrictions on the various services on the internet; for example, using a service requires authentication.
― Design Rights
To our valued customers, We are very grateful for your continued patronage of our textiles and products. Please note that we prohibit the following activities from protecting our brands and quality improvement. If, by any chance, the damages occur to the third party or us, we will ask you to be responsible for compensating for all the damages. 
1. Acts committed to violate the law and lead to crime, acts against public order and morals, and any action that may lead to these. 

2. Acts infringement of rights of our assets, privacy, intellectual properties to other customers, third parties, or our company, and any action that may lead to these.

3. Acts that cause trouble, disadvantage, and damage, acts resulting in defamation such as slander or detraction of other customers, third parties, or us, and any actions that may lead to these.

4. Purchase for-profit purposes such as reselling by the trade and excessive purchase returns.

5. Other activities that we deem to be inappropriate.
All the designs, including textile design, products, and brand, belong to KOKURA SHIMA SHIMA INC. (Trademark registered.) Unauthorized copying and replicating the contents of this site, the images of products and textile designs (stripes, salt and pepper), pattern names, and logos are strictly prohibited. We may contact you for unauthorized copying and replication. Please note that we may take legal action on its case. 
Please get in touch with us in advance if you wish to use our site contents and images of design (stripes). 
For general customers: We sell fabric and scrap material for private purposes for individuals, families, and friends and not for commercial use or secondary sales. (This does not apply in the case of jumble sale for school, community contribution, etc.) 
For corporate customers: Please get in touch with us via the contact form for the purchase. 
All the copyrights, trademarks, and intellectual property rights of currently listed contents (texts, designs, images, logos, icons, videos, programs, etc.) on this site and related sites belong to KOKURA SHIMA SHIMA INC. Unauthorized uses (copy, modify, divert, transmit, distribute, post, sell and publish, etc.) are strictly prohibited. 

Privacy Policy

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